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For residents who are thinking about making the jump to starting their own business, one of the considerations that should have a factor in the financial feasibility of switch is the cost of Florida self employed health insurance.  If you currently have insurance coverage through your employer, you may be shocked by the price of a comparable plan on the individual market.  If you don't think you can initially afford your own individual plan, there are ways to stay covered until your business gets up on its feet.

One option is to stick with your current employers plan.  Thanks to the passage of 

COBRA, those who leave an employer may continue to purchase health coverage from that employer for up to eighteen months after leaving the position.  If you will need medical treatment thanks to a pre-existing condition, this may be your best option to continue getting coverage.  Keep in mind that you will have to pay the full price for the coverage, which may be much higher than what is currently deducted from your paycheck for medical insurance. You may also want to have this continued coverage while you are in the waiting period that may be applied on your new Florida self employed health insurance plan.

Another alternative to obtaining Florida self employed health insurance is to get coverage under your spouses employer sponsored healthcare plan.  Most employers will have a set enrollment period on an annual basis, so you may want to continue your current coverage under COBRA until the coverage from your spouses employer kicks in.  One great thing about coverage under a spouses plan is that the additional coverage can usually not be denied because of a pre-existing condition.  Also, your spouses portion of the insurance should not be increased, although you will likely have to pay extra for your own coverage under the spouses plan.

If you decide that neither of these options is a good choice for your situation, you can find reasonably affordable Florida self employed health insurance.  The process for getting this type of insurance is similar to getting a simple individual policy, such as filling out paperwork and getting a physical exam along with the standard blood tests.  Sit down with a licensed Florida agent to help you work through all the different options to find one that will provide the coverage you need at a price you can afford to pay.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida plans